Well , you should be well and truly up to your ears in spring, I hope you haven't been to keen and planted out tomatoes yet? Around here I don't usually plant the solance family out until after Melbourne Cup also keep an eye out for the commercial tomato farmers, when they start to plant out, you should too. Tomatoes planted too early and hit with a cold spell, such as last night, will be set back and will not out perform those planted out later.

For those interested in moon planting the best time to sow or transplant fruiting annuals (we eat the fruit or seed bearing part), and flowering annuals, grains and melons is during the First Quarter Phase. That is between 25th - 30th November you can get a rough guide on moon planting here
http://aussieorganicgardening.com/?p=32and a moon calender in PDF here

Our Trip to Ceres was fantastic, unfortunately not very well attended, nevertheless we headed down to Melbourne and enjoyed fantastic food, great facilities, picked up some fresh organic and in season produce, then on our way out picked up a few plants at the Nursery. Hopefully we will visit again next year.
Finally our last meeting will be held in conjunction with Violet Town's on December 6Th where we will celebrate the end of year and catch up with some old friends, should be a great day. i will send out details towards the end of November.