It's that time of year again when the leaves begin to fall off the trees and it's a good time to think about what fruit trees you might like to plant in Winter. You are receiving this catalogue because you have either bought fruit trees off us before or express

We send out our catologue once a year, with the occasional update. If you do not want to recieve it, please let us know.
Attached is the catalogue and order form, which you can email or print out and post back. For those of you familiar with our catalogue, you will notice some changes this year- we listened to your feedback and we are now selling a range of nut trees, citrus, kiwi fruit, gooseberries and currants - as well as a wider range of our standard deciduous fruit tree offerings.
As most of you will realise, we are a small, family and home based business and we rely on word of mouth referrals. If you are a member of a permaculture group, gardening or seed savers club we would very much appreciate you distributing our catalogue far and wide. Also, if you think your local market is fantastic and you would like to see us there this winter let us know and we'll see what we can arrange.
We are in the process of developing a website http://www.blogger.com/www.yalcafruittrees.com.au, but this is not up and running yet.
Due to quarantine restrictions we can not send our trees to Western Australia.
Enjoy the read, and we look forward to hearing from you. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Campbell and Tanya Holt
TO order contact Campbell & Tanya via email camandtan@yahoo.com.au
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