Monday, June 23, 2008

Some Gardening inspiration

Look at some of these wonderful veggie plots, I only wish I could re-start mine. The keyhole example would definitely suit small yards as would the yin/yang round bed. As for the weaving, it just goes to show that you can have a beautiful creative garden and a productive one too! do as the lady with the little star garden is and Enjoy

What an entrance!

These could easily replace front lawns.
The ultimate water wise garden utilising a herb spiral permaculture water recycling and inter-planted with beneficial plants and vegetables.

I wish i had seen these before i designed my patch!!

This is how they do it in Africa, where soils are so poor they build em up and in the middle add the water and nutrients which leaches through. KGI has this video of keyhole gardens in Africa

And finally weaving some magic. A lady in the Adelaide hills uses her prunings in a most beautiful way.

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