Tomatoes are self pollinating, making them an easy choice for saving seeds. The earliest and more attractive plants of a variety should be marked, staked and inspected during the growing season for desease and immunity from pest attacks. the best fruit of the lower three bunches/hand of each plant is best for seed.

Allow the fruit to ripen just beyond the eating stage. cut them open, squeeze out the jelly and seeds. if it is a dry variety such as Italian plums ect you may have to ad a tiny amunt of water.

Label the container and leave in a warm spot for two-three days, undistirbed. a foamy scum will form on top and it will look as though something has gone horribly. Don’t worry. This is a beneficial fermentation process that kills off several diseases that can affect tomato plants, but the mould can cause premature germination of the seed, if it is left too long

As soon as the foam forms, scoop it off the top and fill the container will clean water. Viable seed sinks to the bottom of the jar. Carefully pour off loose jelly floating at the top of the jar, then pour the jar contents into a sieveadd water . Wash and rub until clean. The jelly around the seeds will have been washed off. Spread them out in a single layer, somewhere dry and out of the sun.
Letting them dry on a plate or large dish stops them from sticking

to the surface and then after a few hours of drying you can rub them between your palms to stop them sticking together.
Put the seeds in a labelled envelope and hang to dry for two weeks. It is imperitive that you label at all stages, especially if you are saving more than one variety of tomato.
Kindly reproduced from Seed savers handbook
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