For direct seeding, sow about 1 cm deep and about 30-45 cm apart. Three or four seeds can be planted together and thinned out at the two-leaf stage. If you ensure the soil doesn’t dry out, seeds should germinate in about 5-8 days.
25 days babyleaf, 50 mature leaves Bright purple stems with slate green, deeply lobed foliage.

Spring Sweet – A selection of the red Russian type that is sweeter in the spring. Oak shaped leaves have less color than others.
Winter Red - A red Russian type developed by Tim Peters of Peters Seed and Research for good uniform color and cold tolerance. A tender salad kale that is said to have a little wild mustard in its sap. Works well in a crop scheme with other kales to supply harvests from early fall – spring. Napini from this variety is a month ahead darker red and thinner than other napus kales. A vigorous Red Russian kale that colors up well even before cold weather, but especially after cool weather. The oak-leaf shaped leaves of this kale are more deeply cut than some other common strains of Red Russian kale. Excellent for salad greens when leaves are thumb size; larger leaves make delicious and nutritious cooked greens. Origin: developed by Tim Peters, Peters Seed and Research, Riddle,
Greenpeace – 32 days. Rare Russian strain, greenish blue plants purple stems, highly variegated leaves. Origin: Greenpeace experimental farm on

30 days babyleaf, 60 mature leaves Delicate, sweet flavor that improves in complexity with frost and light cooking. Tolerates wet soils better than any other kale and has the cold hardiness of the
toughest Russian.

30 days babyleaf, 60 mature leaves Also known as "Dinosaur Kale" due to its bumpy
leaf surface resembling dinosaur skin! This unique variety has the richest, darkest blue-green color of any kale. Deeply savoyed leaves are blade-shaped with smooth margins.

30 days, 60 mature leaves Huge, blue-green leaves with white stems and an oak leaf shape. Its superior tenderness makes Siberian one of the best varieties for raw salad use and spring “napini”. Plants are extremely hardy and grow rapidly. Flavor is improved by light frost, but is exceptional anytime.
Intensely curled dark green leaves. Plants to 60 cm.long harvest period. 55-65 days
Gulag Stars
– A mix of Russian and Siberian kales from the original Gulag. Contains some completely unique leaf types and incredible colors. Same breat Brassica napus eating quality. Very adaptable and diverse population. Seems to have a bit of B. rapa mustard mixed into its genetic make up. Origin: Bred By Tim Peters at Peters Seed & Research in Riddle,VATES BLUE CURLEDVigorous plant to 40cm high with heavily curled, blue-green leaves. Rich in vitamins. Withstands cold weather. Leaves will not yellow from frost or heat. 55 days.
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