Monday, November 7, 2011

Some browsing for you

Just thought I'd share some of my browsing with you, the internet and utube can be excellent resources but we don’t all have the time to.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Monthly Natter - November

Busy Times....I always refer to a Jackie French quote during this time of year "What you plant in the next two months will determine what you'll be eating next winter and spirng." all this preperation planting and we have to be patient for that long? What she means is that the long tern crops that need some planning should be planted now and will see you thorough the next eight months or so. these are things like carrots, beetroot, parsnips, leeks, parsley, silverbeet, celery turnps and jerusulum artichokes. Even some cauliflowers could go in now, the long maturing ones like paleface which need 5 months to mature. These are a bit tricker to time, plant them too early & they'll just bolt, too late and they wont do anything till next spring. Try planting them in a cooler spot and slowing them down by mulching very heavily. Planting root vegetables every six weeks will ensure a continuous supply, corn every two - three weeks, beans a new lot every time the last lot starts flowering.

Our Rushworth visit was a lovely day, Big thanks to those that made it possible and so enjoyable.